The Links, Incorporated focuses on providing a range of innovative, substantive and sustainable Pre-K-16 programming which contributes proven results to key educational or social/community issues
The Services to Youth Facet has five national initiatives deemed by The Links, Incorporated’s leadership as top-of-mind issues of importance and are in support of and/or advocate for the betterment of African American youth.
National Mentoring Initiative
Young Achievers Initiative
S.T.E.M. Education and Career Readiness Initiative
Education Linkage Initiative
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Initiative
The Magnolia Links Services to Youth Facet Program for the 2014-2015 organizational year
The 2nd cohort of Magnolia Stars was launched in September, 2014. After an extensive orientation process of inventory and overview, the Stars were motivated and inspired in the second session. Presenter Maisha Woods dramatically shared “Magnolia Mirrors” wherein the members viewed themselves in mirrors, discarded self-criticism and recriminations and declared the beauty that the mirror revealed.
A core component and the heart of our program for the Magnolia Stars Class of 2018 will be guiding the members toward an early mindset for College and contribute to its development in their journey toward graduation and higher education. To this end, Educational Consultant Joy Prince was asked to design a comprehensive, sequential program specifically for our students with sessions that cover the complete spectrum of college preparatory skills throughout the four years. The result is a state-of-the-art preparation that provides personal college counseling for the Magnolia Stars. In addition, consulting services are available to the Stars individually via email and phone with Mrs. Prince during the interim of group sessions
Joy Prince connected magically with the Stars in her first presentation titled “Making the Most of Your Freshman Year”. Her premise was that they should start this year establishing a resume that colleges would view with pleasure and acceptance and, possibly, scholarships. She administered a post-test and had each member to establish two personal academic goals. Upon her return for the October 28th meeting she had students further define and refine personal goals as she continued “Setting the Tone for the Ninth Grade Year and Staying the Course.”
Integrated sessions from other facets and committees will serve as enhancements and enrichments for the TOTAL development of the students.
In November, Link Carolyne Hilton spearheaded two Career Awareness sessions at which she presented six dynamic professionals. Her goal was to optimize potential STEAM-related components and topics when choosing speakers. They included Dr. Kimberly Redding-anatomic and clinical pathology currently an instructor at Morehouse School of Medicine; Jennifer Parks- engineer/technologist and Project Manager at Net Suite who connects with co-workers via the Network highway, and a University Professor PhD, Shonda Lemons-Smith. Of the ten Magnolia Links present, eight briefly shared their career paths
Presenters at the second Career Awareness Session included Cas Sigers, writer and producer of Film and television; Loren Compton-Williams, former Equity Analyst on Wall Street and currently with Herndon Capital; and Tracy Moss who earned an under-graduate and graduate degree in business before attending School of Cosmetology and establishing her own enterprise. She demonstrated how the science of hair care was a STEAM component.
On December 9, the Arts Facets made our meeting room a Holiday Wonderland as they led the Stars in making exquisite tree ornaments. One member summarized her pleasure by stating, “TodayI learned how to appreciate Christmas more by making an ornament for my mother.”
Facet members Links K.Joy Peters, Sondra Johnson and Vicki Carter coordinated the crafts work, and Chair Charlita Stephens-Walker prepared refreshments that were festive, delicious, beautifully displayed- and healthy. To complete the holiday party motif, each girl was presented a holiday gift bag as she parted. What a perfect meeting for us to reach our targeted number of twenty Magnolia Star members for this new cohort!
Services to Youth Co-chairs Margaret Horton and Louisa Williams express appreciation to the following Link Sisters who have attended and assisted at various sessions: Mary Bailey, Beth Brown, Gloria Cain, Samra Coote, Ruth Crawford, Pearline Greene, Carolyne Hilton, Debbie Jackson, Sondra Johnson, KJoy Peters, Kimberly Redding, Charlita Stephens-Walker and Betty Walker